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Custom Glass Cups Design

we have a skilled in-house design team dedicated to your glass cup jar,cups and container customization needs.
Home / Customization and design
Jiateng has over 20 years of experience in the custom glass cups  manufacturing business. This has allowed us to concentrate on improving our glass cup manufacture in order to meet your expectations. We personalize your cups by changing the shape, color, closure, or ornamental labels. Our Customization guarantees that the glass cups design is appropriate for your product.
Glass ornament​​​​​​​
Jiateng is one of the world’s top custom glass jar and teapot manufacturers. We engage the help of professional jar makers and designers who are dedicated to delivering glass jars you can rely on. You can count on us to continually respond to your specific needs and deliver custom glass jars that meet your specifications.
Geometric terrarium​​​​​​​
Jiateng has many years of experience in the glass Geometric、Crystal Candle Holder、Glass dome. This has allowed us to concentrate on improving our custom glass Geometric terrarium​​​​​​​ manufacturing in order to meet your expectations. We customize your vials by modifying the size, shape, color, closure, and finish options.​​​​​​​
When you want your brand to stand out, custom glass cups are the way to go. You can make your cups unique in shape, color, closure, or decorative labeling. Customization also ensures that the glass cup design suits your product.
 Creative ways to achieve your vision
 Decoration and design opportunities
 Production processes and implications for design
 Potential quality issues and how to avoid them
Sustainability and the environment
Designing custom glass cups requires innovation, flexibility, and proper equipment. It would thus be best to seek the services of a well-equipped and experienced manufacturer that can meet your needs.

At Jiateng, we have 20 years of experience in the business. Our state-of-the-art factory run by knowledgeable staff has 8 production lines and the latest precision technology. It is due to such efficiencies that we are able to offer you highly competitive prices, quality glass products, and prompt delivery.

We are committed to providing you with the best custom glass cups for your needs and a seamless service experience. The Jiateng team is always available to attend to your inquiries.

JIATENG Glass the biggest glass cup manufacturers in China, has more than 30 years specialist experience in glass cup industry.

Suntun, Liminju town, Hejian city, Hebei province,China

Frequently asked questions

After-sales service

About Jiateng

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