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Warehousing and Logistics

Transportation department assists you with all your warehousing and logistical challenges.
Home / Warehousing and Logistics
Your advantages
Workable lead times
Precise planning and domestic location contribute to high inventory levels and controllable lead time.We have your back.
Safety stock
24-hour inventory flow and live monitoring, and a well-planned modular structure—all this ensures your products are safe and intact.
Order efficiency
The high rise of our in-stock product system guarantees a comprehensive response to any necessity of large quantities waiting to be stored.
Minimize your inventory investment right from the start. Jiateng lifts the burden of the balance sheet and inventory hassles off your shoulders.

JIATENG Glass the biggest glass cup manufacturers in China, has more than 30 years specialist experience in glass cup industry.

Suntun, Liminju town, Hejian city, Hebei province,China

Frequently asked questions

After-sales service

About Jiateng

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